Thursday, November 15, 2012


Guatemala is full of wonderful people and horrible injustice and inequality. a place of true contradictions.  Here are some pictures of some of the wonderful people from today:

                                             Yanira the wonderful taking out an IV
                                             Maria at spa room 5A with attendant N.
                                                    three of the fantastic floor nurses

also it is a day of real sadness for me. on top of yesterday's sadness came a call from a mom of another patient from 6 years ago. she has only one kidney, and had another urine infection this september that due to lack of family funds, was not treated until 9 days later and by then she had lost the function of this remaining kidney. remember my second post and the statistics there? well, KR is one of those. her family cannot afford dialysis (the closest machine being 5 hours away) or a transplant and so have made the agonizing decision to "leave her in god's hands".  No 13 year old should have to die due to lack of personal funds. I cannot imagine the heart of her parents tonight.  Please lend your prayers to her family in Mazatenango, Guatemala.

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