Tuesday, November 13, 2012

resilience and pepian

Hello ardent blog followers. well, here we are on day 3. What a day. I am going to keep it short today and just say that the sweet patient below actually cried when she had to leave today to go home. yes, we make it that fun for them (not everyone feels this way, but I do think they leave feeling very very special and sometimes no one outside of their family has ever seen them as "whole" children before.
this sweet girl was run over by a car 4 years ago, her pelvis crushed, and has had a lot of urologic complications since.  she got my heart day one.  she is from San Marcos, the department of Guatemala most affected by the earthquake last week. Her family found out about the Urology clinic from an ad in the newspaper.

This is from the first day of clinic, when she had known us for all of 1/2 hour. lets just say that it was easy to love her and become endeared to her.
and then this is martin enthusiastically perched over a great crock of "pepian" a traditional stew made for us by the mother of one of our patients from last year. amazing is all I can say.

amazing the love here, the faith, the energy and great generosity of all the staff here for the children and us.

good note on which to lay my head down.
love to all

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