Saturday, November 10, 2012

Relaxing, and Setting up

Today we had some free time in Antigua, Guatemala, and then returned to Guatemala City to the Hospitalito to get the operating rooms ready. Tomorrow is a long day of consults (we see about 80-90 children), seeing who needs surgery and what can be done this week. It is a long wonderful day where we get to see a lot of kids who come back for follow up. some we have known for as long as 10 years.

I haven't yet mentioned the earthquake that rocked this country less than one week ago. there are thousands of homes destroyed and many people died.  I'm including a link from the NYT here:

and from Guatemala's Prensa libre from today:

If you would like to donate funds for the victims, one of the Guatemalan nurses we work with here, recommended Caritas. I'm including their information here:

 Nurses Patty and MariaElena, who will be working with us in the OR all week, help set up.
 The wonderful nursing team from Indianapolis setting up donated supplies that they have collected all year.
Tracy and Debbie awesome OR nurses setting up one of the Operating Rooms

That's all for now! thanks for reading and will check in tomorrow.

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